Under the auspices of the Local Government Association, the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Radioactive Waste Management and Nuclear Decommissioning was created in November 2003, when a group of concerned Local Authorities (including Cumbria County Council, Manchester City Council and Copeland Borough Council) recognised the need to develop an organisation that could speak for English and Welsh local government on nuclear legacy management. Scotland has a separate local government network and approach to nuclear issues.
At their meeting in April 2005, it was agreed to rename the SIG as the Nuclear Legacy Advisory Forum (Nuleaf).
Nuleaf has gone from strength to strength since then, with over 100 local authorities and National Park Authorities as members. We engage with the UK and Welsh Governments, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), Nuclear Waste Services (NWS), Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS), Sellafield Ltd., regulators and the wider nuclear industry. We work to influence strategy, policy and practice across all areas of decommissioning and nuclear waste management and also have a growing international profile.
The forum provides effective communication and efficient information sharing amongst local authorities. Our Steering Group and Radioactive Waste Planning Group (RWPG) meet regularly, providing a focal point for discussion and engagement. We hold other events, prepare Policy Statements and Briefings and have an active presence on social media.