Environment Agency and the GDF siting process
The Environment Agency describes its role in regulating a geological disposal facility and engagement with communities in west Cumbria and Lincolnshire.
ONR and the GDF siting process
ONR sets out its role in the siting process for a geological disposal facility for UK high level radioactive waste.
GDF: creating jobs and skills – a first look
Simon Hughes, Community Engagement and Siting Director at Nuclear Waste Services sets out how the multi-billion-pound Geological Disposal Facility programme could create thousands of skilled, well-paid jobs for over a century.
Back to a new normal, Phil Matthews.
Phil reflects on the move back to meeting in person following the shift to online meetings enforced by Covid-19.
International experience, Phil Matthews.
Nuleaf’s Executive Director looks at the similarities, and differences, between nuclear communities around the world.
Engaging with Nuleaf – a personal journey! Sean Morris, NFLA
Sean Morris, outgoing Secretary of NFLA looks back on his engagement with Nuleaf.
Hearing the voice of local people, Dr Sam King, RWM Ltd
Dr Sam King, Head of Community Engagement and Site Evaluation at RWM Ltd talks about the importance of listening to the local community.
Interview with Cllr Marion Fitzgerald.
Councillor Marion Fitzgerald from Allerdale Borough Council explains why the council got involved in the Allerdale GDF working Group.
Mayor Mike Starkie,shares his views on geological disposal
The work that is under way to assess whether there is a willing host community and suitable place in our locality to accommodate a Geological Disposal Facility is of significant national importance and, quite rightly, is attracting substantial interest and opinion. But what is not up for debate is that the Copeland borough has a significant role to play in this process, regardless of the final location of a GDF in England or Wales.
Green Recovery
Local government is always working on two fronts: to deliver effective services today and to yield better future outcomes for their community. In the middle of this unprecedented crisis, the need for action on public health and the economy, while laying the foundations of a future recovery, is more urgent than ever.