Decommissioning of AGR stations

The current fleet of Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors, owned and operated by EDF, have now either closed or are coming to the end of their operational life. Following defueling, which will be carried out by EDF and take between 3-5 years, the stations will transfer to Nuclear Restoration Services (NRS) for decommissioning.

Three stations, Hunterston B, Hinkley Point B and Dungeness B have already closed. The first reactors at Hunterston B and Hinkley Point B have now been defueled with work underway to defuel the other reactor at both sites. Defueling commenced at Dungeness B in 2023. All fuel is transferred to Sellafield for storage pending a decision on the final disposal of Spent Fuel.

Nuleaf is engaging with EDF and NRS as this process moves forward.